Improving waste management practices though a voluntary grouping of two local authorities in Northern Ireland.

Biowaste Tender

The Councils of the North West Region Waste Management Group awarded tenders for the following:

Provision of services for the treatment of Biowaste (OJEU # 2013/S 196-338775)


  • Lot 1 – Ballymoney Borough Council to Natural World Products
  • Lot 2 – Coleraine Borough Council to Natural World Products
  • Lot 3 – Derry City Council to Natural World Products
  • Lot 4 – Limavady Borough Council to Natural World Products
  • Lot 5 – Moyle District Council to Natural World Products
  • Lot 6 – Strabane District Council to Natural World Products
© North West Region Waste Management Group
  • Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council
  • Derry & Strabane District Council