Improving waste management practices though a voluntary grouping of two local authorities in Northern Ireland.

Educational Resources

The Future of Waste Management

The Environment and “The World Around Us” are important aspects of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. Teachers can use the videos on this page when they discuss the topic of the environment, particularly in relation to waste management, recycling and renewable energy.

Waste Prevention and Recycling is something that touches every household in Northern Ireland. We are about to enter a new era in waste management, one which will see us revolutionise not just the way we handle our waste but also how we view it. If we don’t change how we manage our waste, we’ll fail to meet vital targets, such as those set out in the European Landfill Directive. As we shall see failure could result in substantial fines, amounting to as much as an extra £100 every year for every household rates bill across the north west.

The Waste Hierarchy Model

The three ‘Rs’ of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle describe much of how we should handle our waste. There is also, however, a fourth ‘R’ ‘Recover’ - which means turning waste into a valuable resource such as renewable energy. Finally, once all other options have been explored, waste which can’t be recycled or recovered is disposed... Watch Clip

The 3 ‘Rs’ Campaign


So how do we reduce the amount of waste we produce?... Read Article


Before you throw something into the bin, think about whether you... Read Article


Reducing and Reusing can make a big difference to the amount... Read Article

Mechanical Biological Treatment

Mechanical Separation

The Mechanical part of the treatment happens in this phase of... Read Article

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestion happens inside stainless steel or reinforced concrete vats. It... Read Article

In-Vessel Composting

In-Vessel Composting or Bio-Drying is a natural biological process which takes... Read Article

Advanced Energy Recovery


Using Gasification to recover energy requires a new, dedicated power plant.... Read Article


Energy recovery using Pyrolysis requires the construction a custom-built power plant.... Read Article

Cement Production

Solid Recovered Fuel can be used as a replacement for fossil... Read Article

Supported by
  • Strategic Investment Board
  • Department of the Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
© North West Region Waste Management Group
  • Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council
  • Derry & Strabane District Council