Improving waste management practices though a voluntary grouping of two local authorities in Northern Ireland.

1st June 2012

The Councils of the North West Region Waste Management Group awarded Tenders for the following:

  • Provision for the treatment of NWRWMG collected commingled waste from HWRC’s and from other council services, (OJEU # 2012/S 101-138790) to:


–       Brickkiln Waste Ltd

–       North West Recycling Consortium

  • Provision for the haulage, treatment and disposal of  NWRWMG collected Local Authority Residual Municipal Waste (Short Term Contract) (OJEU # 2012/S 101-168791), to:


–       North West Recycling Consortium

© North West Region Waste Management Group
  • Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council
  • Derry & Strabane District Council